Hospitality Was Central To My Spiritual Ancestry

This past year we had over 200 overnight guests and even more dinner guests in our home. We believe that Jesus demonstrated the inseparable link between hospitality and the good news of the kingdom of God.

Meanwhile this summer I began investigating my spiritual ancestry by interviewing my parents and Taylor Gardner who had discipled me over 30 years ago. He, along with his wife Jimmye, taught me the role of hospitality in disciple-making.

While interviewing the Gardners I asked where they had learned about hospitality. It all began in the 1960’s while Taylor was in seminary when a missionary named Dick Patty spoke on disciple-making and hospitality, which resonated deeply in Taylor’s heart. Dick had discovered hospitality through a World War II veteran named Jesse Miller whose life was changed forever when he experienced the hospitality of missionaries Cyril and Anna Brooks while he was stationed in the Philippines.  A biographer wrote of Jesse Miller:

“Longing for Christian fellowship, Jesse joined other servicemen at the weekly dinner and Bible study hosted by missionaries Cyril and Anna Brooks. He was so touched and overwhelmed by their hospitality, the Christian fellowship, and the teaching of God’s Word, that he prayed to God, “If I ever have a home of my own, You can have it for servicemen.”

Six months ago I was unaware of the existence of Dick and Margret Patty, Jesse and Nettie Miller, nor Cyril and Anna Brooks but now I see their spiritual DNA not only in my ministry but also in the lives of my disciples. Where would my life and ministry be today if Cyril and Anna had not opened their home to Jesse Miller 70 years ago?

I shutter to think how close I came to missing out on the richness of my spiritual heritage and not being able to pass it on to my disciples and to their disciples.

Jimmye and Taylor Gardner

Jimmye and Taylor Gardner

Margret and Dick Patty

Margret and Dick Patty








Anna and Cyril Brooks

Anna and Cyril Brooks

Jesse Miller

Jesse Miller

3 thoughts on “Hospitality Was Central To My Spiritual Ancestry

  1. Lewie, thanks for the pics. I always wanted to see who Taylor & Jimmye Gardner are since you talk and write of them frequently. Pretty neat to see part of the spiritual legacy of each. Thanks again!

  2. Lewie,
    My parents talked about the wonderful example of their friend Jesse Miller when I was growing up!
    What a blessing to hear of another family he blessed!
    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Lewie, your book has produced the most exciting fruit in my life! I have bought copies for all my friends. Meantime, two neighbors have come to Christ, and I am discipling with them. God is on the move! In case you can’t place me, I am David Ortiz’s mother-in- law. Thanks, Lewie. I am praying for you.

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