About Icon Ministries


Icon Ministries is a 501(c)(3) Chicago-based ministry that began out of the conviction that disciple-making as Jesus demonstrated is an effective way to reach people with the gospel in any culture, age group, and time period. Ministry methods ebb and flow with the times whereas disciple-making is timeless. Icon Ministries helps people, through God’s love, to become followers of Jesus.

When people ask us what we do our response is always, “We make disciples of Jesus.” We pattern our approach after how Jesus approached ministry in making disciples in the 1st century. Through love, friendship, hospitality, and creating a sense of belonging, disciples are made. And when we make disciples, those disciples gather in groups and churches are formed. Our approach – first make disciples who will then form the church – has opened doors that mght not be open otherwise. We are having a kingdom impact in urban areas and with least-reached people groups!

VISION:  Disciples everywhere loving like Jesus.

MISSION:  Icon initiates love, self-sacrifice, friendship, belonging, hospitality and empowerment that leads to a multiplication of disciples of Jesus throughout the world.


  1. Make disciples of Jesus wherever we are
  2. Pursue, train, and empower disciple-making leaders (the Timothy and Titus of this generation)
  3. Spread the message of the primacy of disciple making
  4. Support faith communities that have arisen through disciple growth
  5. Collaborate with other ministries to foster effective disciple making activities

 More of what we do…

  • We build friendships with young people, Muslim people and Jewish people with the objective for them to learn what it means to be a follower of Jesus.
  • We invite people into our homes for meals.  This affords us the opportunity to serve others and to offer a safe place to share our stories.
  • We provide training and materials for how to make followers of Jesus.
    • We wrote a book “Imitating Jesus” on how to make disciples of Jesus.
    • We conduct trainings to teach missionaries, pastors, and others on how to build a relationship with someone with the objective of them becoming a follower of Jesus.
    • We host groups from around the country that want to learn how to make disciples of Jesus (a) in an urban setting, (b) among the least reached people groups, and (c) through the means of hospitality.


Our values

  • Love
  • Friendship
  • Belonging
  • Hospitality
  • Multiplication

35 thoughts on “About Icon Ministries

  1. Justin,

    The phrase “practical details” basically boils down to finances. Icon Ministries Inc. provides a way for full time disciple makers like Lewie to receive money from others in a legal manner. Lewie feels that God has called them to full time service, but he can’t simply receive the type of money required to live in Chicago without reporting it to the government. Rather than just report and pay taxes on the money he decided to gain a 501-C3 orgizational status so that the givers would receive a financial benefit as well.

  2. hi. i recently sent in a contribution to icon for a specific person’s ministry. when i got the receipt in the mail, it wasn’t clear to me that the contribution was properly designated. can someone contact me via email ASAP? thanks so much.

  3. Hi Lewie,
    I found your blog and wondered how you are doing. Your ministry sounds exciting. Drop me a email when when you get a chance.
    By His Grace,

  4. Lewie – I tried to read your March 2009 blog, but it doesn’t open.
    Next time you are back in NLR be sure to say “Hi.”

  5. Lewie

    I am moving back to my home town for the purpose of making desciples there
    I would like to talk to you when you get a min
    email your phone number



  6. Lewie,
    It has been a long time. Several years we went to India together on a Discovery Trip. I would like to reconnect with you. I have some questions about discipleship, some of which you have already answered with your blog. I look forward to hearing from you.


  7. Lewie – I was in Chicago this summer and didn’t know how to get ahold of you. Chad is a sophmore in college now and is actually on the football team. He is dating a wonderful Christian young lady. I would love to hear about what you are doing in Chicago. It was great to see you last fall at the Summit. Emily

  8. Lewie Clark,

    My name is Chad, I visited your group about two years ago with the New Community Internship group from Spokane, Washington; lead by Russ Davis. Not that any of these names ring any bells, but I am now living in Chicago with my wife and am interested in becoming a part of your, “church” for a lack of a better word, or discipleship group. If you could email me some more information about the group and the location and times of your next gathering it would be most appreciated. Thank you!

    Chad Switzer

  9. Lewie, It’s been a long time… I hope that you are doing well. It looks like you are doing what you are passionate about. The days of LAM seem so long ago. I have fond memories as I’m sure you do. Send me a line when you can.

    Take care Bro and God bless you!

  10. Hey Lewis,
    Hope you are doing better.
    Could you please send me your address and phone number and best email address to contact you with?
    Thanks much!!
    Duane U.

  11. Lewie,

    I got you name from Adam Gascho. I’m the director of Forge Chicago and the lead pastor of Fusion Church. I’d like to talk with about making disciples in Chicago.


  12. Greetings Mr. Clark,
    Thank you for staying in God’s Word and living it out. I also wanted to thank you for emphasizing and embracing “love” in action and truth, because we know that w/o love we are nothing. Praise God for a brother like you, your being zealous for God is encouraging,awakening and helpful to my faith in Christ. Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen.(Ephesians 6:24) Thanks!

  13. hello my young friend,
    I searched for you for a while. Rich Browning told me you were in Chicago. Our church did a mission trip in 09 but I had to go to work in OK city OK and didn’t make it. How are you? I am well. I am on FaceBook, have a small simple website on Google: Encouraged By His Creation. I still write articles, songs, and ride motorcycle with the Christian Motorcyclist Assoc. here in Little Rock. We go to Methodist Childrens Home and Pinnacle Pointe once a month, and Firm Foundation , and different Motorcycle rallies. I see Steve Bushey every now and then in Stuttgart.
    You can go on my site and read articles , see a couple powerpoints and listen to a couple of songs I wrote. and if you want to print them to give to others go ahead. I have CDs all over the US and overseas in some areas. God has given me the ability to share in many areas and to be able to give it away free. I record at home and put my music on CD or video on DVD. still not professional but getting there slowly. Send me an email. Tell me what God is doing in you.
    Love KenC :-)))

  14. “Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live.” – anonymous

    Thinking of you. I hope your birthday is great!

    Cindi – NLR, AR

  15. Lewie,
    It is a blessing to see the ministry you described many years ago in Little Rock take off. I still remember the time we shared at FBC while I was in the Army and going through difficult times.
    I live in Oklahoma but I hope to run into you again sometime to visit. I will be in Chicago later today through early Sunday morning. I would enjoy hearing more about how God continues to bless your efforts!
    Charles / Chuck

  16. Lewie,

    I have been thinking about you lately. I don’t think we have talked or seen each other since 1988 or 1989 in Pittsburg, Texas. I remember you saying to me “Be a man of the Word.” Great, lasting wisdom. I would love to reconnect with you. Awesome to see that you are still making disciples. I have just started as director of college and young adult ministries in Longview, Texas. Great to see your face even if it is through pictures. Blessings.

    Craig Toney

  17. Lewie- Levi and I are wanting to set up a recurring donation to be taken out of our account each month for Icon Ministries. Can I do this through Pay Pal? Or, do we just need to do it the old fashioned way and send a check in the mail 🙂
    That would be fine if we do– Just let me know either way!
    We love and miss you and are planning our Chicago Christmas visit…
    Natalie and Levi

  18. I am visiting with Randy Ferguson over this but thought I would also send a note. Looking at seeing if there are any discounts for bulk purchases of “imitating Jesus.” I would like to buy a bunch for our small group leaders at our church. Also, would like more information on Lewie speaking and then also if you have any sample audio files of some of those “talks”. Thanks!

    Chris Campbell

  19. Hay Lewiestill see that you are still hard at work decipling new belivers. It is inristing to see that you have a book out. The main reasion i’m tring to contact you is, I have in the last 2 yrs. I’ve had a new spiritual awakaning. After all thes years , with the help of the Holy Spirit ‘s leading I am going to Bible Coiiage at Chris Bible Collage in Colorado Springs CO. I’v been trying to get hold of you by email, I gess you stay verry bussey. I was wantting to get apersonal recomondation from you through Rich Browning. I would like to stay intouch with you, to let you know how I am doing.. I am still working at Walmart. I do not have a computer as of yet, hopping to get one soon .you can get hold of me by email or text at 501 251 5804 hope to hear from you soon.

  20. DMM stands for Disciple Making Movement. Long Hollow Church is having an awesome conference covering disciple making and equipping. The conference starts Thursday July 16th and ends Friday July 17th.
    3031 long hollow pike
    Hendersonville TN 37075

  21. Lewie,

    This is Mitch Cook. I have a patient who is relocating to Chicago for the summer. 229-326-0611: Clint Martin. If you would give him a ring if possible.


  22. I was given your book by someone in our church in VA. I tossed it aside in the pile of books I am given to read. I recently picked it up to skim and it grabbed my attention. It is so in line with where we are heading in our church and how we have lived.

    I pastor a semi-rural church and would love to connect with Lewie. Does he ever travel and speak at churches or to leadership groups? Maybe touching base via Skype or phone would be asking too much. But why not be bold right?

  23. Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ.
    I am Pastor Shakeel Akhtar. I am from Pakistan, Faisalabad. I am running an orphanage in Pakistan. I have 25 orphan children living with me in a rental building. Me and my team totally care for these orphan children. We provide these orphan children food, education, spiritual growth and etc for free. We are also working on brick lin slave families and Sunday school ministry. Looking forward to your cooperation and for your love and prayers for these orphan children.
    God bless you
    Pastor Shakeel Akhtar.
    What’app number +923073874517

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